roblox dancing

a fun game to play 下面有Roblox中文介紹啦

my account:milktea

Roblox (stylized as "RŌBLOX") is a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) virtual playground and workshop designed for children aged 6 and over. It can be played for free, though several features are omitted unless you purchase a subscription to the game. The game is made up of building bricks of various shapes and sizes. Players can build anything and share their creations with the Roblox community.Roblox users script the places they create with a modified version (which is commonly referred to as RBX.lua) of Lua 5.1. Roblox is part of the TRUSTe privacy program and the Better Business Bureau.

History and development

Roblox was created by David Baszucki in Silicon Valley, California and is based in Redwood City, California.The name is a portmanteau of the words "Robots" and "Blocks".[ In mid-2007, Roblox considered the concept of a Megablocks-style character to avoid infringements on any copyrights held by Lego Group and allow for more complex clothing such as hairpieces to blend with the character. This was however rejected later for the minifigure design which was already in use. In mid-2008, Roblox added a feature to allow non-registered users to enter places with restricted functionality. Roblox has raised $2.3 million in funding after an equity issue.On 21 January 2010, Roblox donated $5472 to relief efforts for the Haitian Earthquake, allowing players to buy one of two virtual items: the Red Hat for Haiti, which contributed 65 cents for every person who bought it, or the Blue Hat for Haiti that contributed 10 cents for every person who bought it.Roblox has recently been featured on Click, the BBC’s flagship technology programme.Roblox has also been shown in a survey of users and parents to have a positive effect on academic performance in children aged 10 to 16.

Character Customization

Players customize their characters with items in the Catalog. The Catalog contains Roblox and user created items such as clothing, images, models, gear, sets, heads, and faces.


On May 14, 2010 bodies were introduced to Roblox members with subscriptions only, in packages. Packages have arms, legs, and torsos in them. Bodies and packages are made only by Roblox staff.


Players can add their creations to the Roblox catalog, where the model can be commented on, taken (if it is public domain) and favourited by other players. Dependent on what the model contains, the model's thumbnail differs.


Clothing with textures could be bought and worn from the Roblox catalog.

Players in Roblox have the ability to construct up to 100 places, depending on membership type, using an unlimited supply of virtual building blocks. Bricks can then be interacted with through Lua scripting. Competitive places are the most common gamemodes in Roblox.


Users have a choice of over 8,000,000 (eight million) possible games to play (based on number of users, as of 17 May 2010), varying in design from what the creators of places have wanted to create. Types of places vary by the feature where the creator of the place can choose a genre for their place. Users also have the choice to use public domain items created by Roblox users, or they can build their own.


When a player is building their place, they have the option to script via Lua. Using this they can do many things, such as creating a button.


GUIs can be used while creating a builder's place. Before they were released to public, only Roblox administrators could create GUIs. Using GUIs, scripters can add Lua to them, to create anything from a control panel to a game.

Roblox Studio

Roblox Studio editing Ultimate Paintball.

Roblox Studio is a program very similar to Microsoft Visual Studio, used to build and test places. Users use this program in order to do things such as scripting and advanced building.


Roblox has its own virtual economy. Players earn and trade money currencies, called Robux and Tickets. Users are awarded Tickets when other users visit their virtual places, and when they log in, once a day. Users can provide their creations to other members for a price or for free.


On November 21, 2008 the RoblEX was introduced to Robloxians.Tickets and Robux can be exchanged for one another on the RoblEX. Robux are generally worth more than tickets. Some people take advantage of the RoblEX and make money off of it from trading schemes.


Members paying for a Builders Club subscription receive an additional daily allowance of Robux every day automatically. Builders Club is a paid service that costs from $5.95/month. Turbo Builders Club is $11.95/month with added benefits. The 'Outrageous Builders Club' is $19.95 a month. There is also a feature in which users can buy Robux. Paying members get better deals when buying Robux than non-paying users do.


copied from wikipedia:


Roblox 是一可供大量玩家玩的線上遊戲,虛擬遊樂場及工作站主要是設計給6歲以上的小朋友玩的.它可以是免費的,只是有些功能你會看不到除非你訂購. 遊戲是透過各式各樣的積木或磚塊的建造來完成的. 玩家可以建造任何東西及分享其創意到Roblox社群. Roblox玩家可利用Lua程式語言修改以前的版本來新建立一個空間(通常指的是 RBX.lua). Roblox是 TRUSTe跟 Better Business Bureau非營利機構所屬.

Roblox是David Baszucki在美國加州矽谷創立的,基地在加州Redwood City這個地方. ROBLOX這個字是複合字,由Robots(機器人)跟Blocks(積木)兩個英文字結合的. 在2007年中,Roblox沿用了  Megablocks積木的概念及人物造型以避免跟樂高積木有版權爭議,同時加入更多的服裝及造型,如髮型.  這些小型公仔已經被使用了但是後來又被禁止. 在2008年中,Roblox新開放給沒註冊的玩家進入使用,但是有些功能是受限的. Roblox因股權因素已經增資到230萬美元. 在2010年1月21日,Roblox透過讓玩家購買1-2個虛擬物件:每一個人購買紅色帽子即捐出65美分,購買藍色帽子即捐出10美分.一共捐助了$5472美元給海地地震來盡份心力. 最近BBC Click有關科技旗艦專欄中有說明Roblox. 在一份學術研究裡有提到Roblox在10到16歲的玩家及家長中調查結果都是正向的.

玩家可以從目錄裡的項目來客製化自己的造型. 目錄裡包含了Roblox原有的及玩家設計的項目如衣服,影像,造型,工作,套裝,頭飾及臉型.

在2010年5月14日, Roblox引進了身體套件給會員訂購. 這些套件是Roblox員工設計的,套件包含手臂,腿跟軀體.

玩家可以添增他們的創意到Roblox目錄中, 模型物件可被執行, 使用(在公共領域中)或是被其它玩家列為最愛模型物件.

在Roblox目錄裡可以選購衣服的材質. 依不同玩家型態,有些玩家可以無限量供應虛擬建購積木,最多可建置到100個空間. 積木可以透過Lua程式碼來執行. Roblox最普遍的遊戲模組是競賽空間.

玩家有超過800萬種可能的遊戲可選擇來玩(基於2010年5月17日的玩家總數來估算), 各式各樣的設計都是由玩家來決定如何去創造出來的.  有各式各樣的空間端看設計者如何去選擇他的空間類型. 玩家一樣可以去選公共領域裡玩家創造出來的的物件, 或是他可以建造屬於自己的物件.

當一個玩家在建造他的空間時, 有很多Lua程式選項可去編寫. 透過這樣的方式玩家可以做很多事, 例如建構一個按鈕.

GUIs圖像介面可以用在玩家建造空間時. 在他們還沒發表之前, 只有Roblox管理者能建造GUIs圖像介面. 透過GUIs圖像介面, 寫程式的人可以將Lua編寫進去, 可以創造出任何控制板到一個遊戲.

Roblox Studio
Roblox Studio是一個很像Microsoft Visual Studio的一套程式, 用於建造跟測試空間. 玩家透過此程式來編寫程式或是進階的建造.

Roblox 有自己一套的虛擬經濟結構. 玩家賺的或是交易的金錢叫做Robux and Tickets. 當別的玩家到你的空間時,你就可以得到Tickets, 一天進入算一次. 玩家可以提供他們個有的創意給其它玩家,可以收費也可以免費.

RoblEX 交易所
在2008年11月21日, RoblEX引進了Robloxians. Tickets and Robux幣 可以在Robloxians進行交換.  Robux幣通常是比tickets來的有價值.有些人會利用RoblEX來得到好處並透過交易機制來賺錢.

會員在付費的Builders Club建築俱樂部玩時, 每天可另外外收到Robux幣. 建築俱樂部是收費服務,每個月5.95美元. Turbo Builders Club 則是每月11.95美元附加其它的福利. Outrageous Builders Club每月19.95美元. 那裡也是有可以買Robux幣的地方. 付費會員買Robux幣可以比非會員得到更多的好處.

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